Key Concepts

Differences Between Good and Bad Websites

When on the web, we can all tell the difference between a good website and a bad one. Good websites are easy to use, look nice, and have helpful content. To make websites better, we need to focus on things like clear navigation, fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and keeping our content up-to-date.

Bad websites are confusing, hard to navigate, and might even have stuff that doesn't work. Common mistakes on bad websites include cluttered layouts, slow loading times, broken links, and outdated content.

Web-Based Media and Social Change

The things seen on the web can either reinforce unfair systems or help make positive changes in society. Web-based media can perpetuate inequality by spreading harmful stereotypes, misinformation, or hate speech. But it can also promote social change by raising awareness, sharing diverse perspectives, and connecting people who want to make a difference.

Content Management Systems vs. WYSIWYG Website Creators

Content management systems (CMS) and What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) website creators like Wix are tools that help us build websites without needing to know how to code. CMS gives us more control and flexibility over our websites but has a steeper learning curve. WYSIWYG builders are easier to use but can be more limited in what we can do.

The advantage of using these tools is that they make it easier and faster to build a website. But the downside is that you might end up with a website that looks like everyone else's and might not be as customizable as needed. It's essential to choose the right tool for our needs and goals.